Relax Restore Renew
Relax Restore Renew Workshop - Yin and restorative deep rest Yoga work
Join me on Friday 30th of October 7.30pm to 9.30pm for an evening of blissful healing and deep rest. This workshop aligns with the Celtic festival of Samhain also known as Hallowe’en which honours Goddess Tlachtga. This is celebrated as the Celtic new Year. Our ancestors had a great understanding of the cycle of endings and beginnings and taught us that conscious dreaming starts future manifestations. You are invited to creatively envision your best year yet and actively begin to set in motion the means to fulfil your plans.
During this blissful treat for your body expect to feel deeply relaxed, balanced and rejuvenated for the winter ahead. Workshop will include useful tips on supporting your own health, chakra balancing, working with all the energy systems of the body through the practice of Yin Yoga which is a beautiful, slow and intense practice moving deeply into the fascia (connective tissue) of your body and restorative Yoga that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching.
A true treat for the soul...
Places limited so book early.